Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Distract... ions

Honestly, I don't have much time.  It's hard to get anything done, really done...

Sorry, the boys wanted some Orange Pop ("pop" is Ohioan for soda) and I said yes.  So...  it's been hard to find the time to really think about a good post, you know, craft one that is clever and snarcastic , a little wistful.  I have a great idea for a story about the two oak trees the guys brought home from...

Sorry, some pretzels were needed and some dried cranberries, it's a nice textural thing.  So, I also have a great idea to tell you about the game that has exploded in the boys' room.  It is some sort of Pokemon-baseball-card-paper-airplane-hybrid game in which they bet pretzels and can loose to a "schnoodle" which is a character on one of the many numerous millions infinite playing cards they make themselves.  I should scan some of them and show you...

Sorry, I had to explain that it was actually a thousand degrees outside and we can't go outside for some batting practice, although I usually say yes to such requests.  Where was I?  Oh, I also wanted to do a moving, self-effacing post about friendship and modeling it to your kids.  You know about how I have had lots of friends in my life but right now I don't have too many around here and how that might affect their socialization and skills at making...


Why yes, yes it is time for me to start dinner, uh, thanks.

Gotta go.  Hey, do you know who this is?

I guess it could be the ghost of  Mittens but the color is off.  Anyhoo, she keeps showing up in the oddest places; up on the mantel, on the dining-room table, the boys dresser, the top of the fridge.  I hope it is a sophisticated practical joke the boys (and Mom?) are up to, which would be great, or, I am loosing it.

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